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A swing in front of a spa in Bali._edite


Practices offered for healing the heart & filling the soul

energy & chakra clearing

Experience a guided practice of movement, energy work, and meditation to move stagnant energy, create space, bring our bodies into balance, and become clear energetic channels.

"I just sunk into my body and felt at ease. I walked away feeling confident. I felt whole, like I was reconnected - pieced back together."


birth trauma, loss, & nicu healing

Mama, my heart feels you so deeply and I'm so sorry you've had this experience. I know this pain and grief and I am here to hold you and be with you as you heal your heart, work through the emotions, and connect inward. This is such a raw and tender time, I know that. Allow yourself the space to process, to take the time you need, and to give yourself permission for gentleness and soul care.


In this container, we will use different healing techniques like sacred conversation, guided meditation, chakra clearing, energy healing, soulful visualization, inner child work, and stream of consciousness journaling. We will move through the emotions and triggers, feel all the things, uncover our hidden wounds, and heal in a way that will allow you to breathe much lighter, let you face triggers with a grounded foundation and more neutral response, and help you feel whole because you deserve that.


There will always be a piece of you that feels this trauma so deeply and at the same time, you’ll have a perspective that gives you that extra bit of compassion for others and yourself in the moments that make it sting. I’m here to give you loving guidance and support you through it.

let’s work through this together

You're not alone & I'm here for you - let's chat ♡

We'll be in touch shortly

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